Try and get to see Michael-David in Hostel 16 by Fionnuala Gygax at this years Tiger Dublin Fringe
"Benjamin is getting ready for his first ever birthday party in a real house. Abigail is dreaming of a college she won't be able to go to. Sunday is roaming the corridors. Olive is remembering a home she won't return to. Jennifer is watching static on the television to pass the time. Lizy is singing lullabies to a child who won't know what freedom is. Gloria is reminding them that there's still hope. There is always hope"
Preview Sep 15 @ 21.15 Tickets €11. Dates Sep 16-18 @ 21.15/Sep 17-18 @ 13.15. Tickets €14/12 conc
Venue : Smock Alley Theatre Black Box. Duration 75 mins