
Once has been nominated for The Irish Times Audience Choice Award, and the online voting finishes at midnight.  If you haven't voted and enjoyed Once, I'd really appreciate it if you would consider voting for the show - it only takes 30 seconds


Please note: The tie-breaker answer is March 6th, 2016

Thanks for your support

Down and Out in Paris and London

Following a great preview today, looking forward to the rest of the run in Bewleys Cáfe Theatre @ Powerscourt Townhouse, 9th March - 28th March, Monday - Saturday @ 1pm (except Fri 13th)

Tickets - Monday €8, (low price) Tuesday - Thursday €10, Friday & Saturday €12.  

Lunch €4 extra

Bookings - www.bewleyscafetheatre.com or 086-878 4001

Down and Out in Paris and London poster

Really good night in The Tain Dundalk, many thanks to all who supported the show.

Phelim is performing Down and Out in Paris and London in Bewleys Café Theatre @ Powerscourt Town House Theatre. 9th March - 28th March inclusive except Friday 13th March.

Tickets : Low-price Mondays €8, Tuesday - Thursday €10, and Friday and Saturday €12.  Lunch available for extra €4 - Fantastic value.

Tickets can be booked on www.bewleyscafetheatre.com or 086 8784001

Some more dates for Down and Out in Paris and London

Looking forward to Down and Out in Paris and London in The Mil Theatre Dundrum Friday night 13 February 2015 @ 8pm

More Dates for Down and Out in Paris and London

15 February 2015 - 19 February 2015 Findlaters Howth  @ 8pm

21 February 2015 The Tain Dundalk @ 8pm

09.March 2015 - 28 March 15 Bewleys Café Theatre @ 1pm

Bewleys Café Theatre @ Powerscourt - Lunchtime Theatre is now presented in the Powerscourt Theatre, top floor Powerscourt Townhouse, South William Street, D2